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iAiB iCiD iEiF iGiH iIiJ iKiL iMiN iOiP iQiR iSiT iUiV iWiX iYiZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MINITRONIX infotech MI 9
MMC infotech services 35
MONI infotech 9
MOON UP infotech +oval 41
N NISSI infotech +man 42
NICE infotech +man & arrow 16
NICE infotech +man & ovals 16
NIRU infotech +arc 9
ONE WORLD infotech 9, 16
PACIFIC infotech 9
PARADYNE infotech +ovals 9
PRANESH infotech +oval 9
R.S. infotech 41
RAJ infotech 41
RAS infotech limited +leaf 16
RPG infotech 16
RV infotech-education 16
SATYASAI infotech 42
SEED infotech (LABEL) 16
STUGAL infotech +star 16
STUGAL infotech +star circl 16
TERRAIN infotech 42
TRANSNET infotech 35
VARIETY infotech 35
VERVE infotech 9, 42
WIDE infotech +globe 16
Z ZENTRUM infotech 9
a ACTIVE infotech +circle 9
cgs infotech 42
dc infotech +circles & arro 9
e IT EMCURE infotech 9
hazel i infotech +ovals 16
i AMRITA infotech 16
internet infotech EXPO 16
BLUESKY infotek +arrows 42
VENTURE infotek 16
VI TURE infotek 16
DEXTEROUS infoway 42
LAKHOTIA infoway (LIFY) 16
LOGTECH infoway +triangle 9
ABHINANDAN infra india +hut 36
FLEXSOL E infra-solutions 9
K.V.R. rail infra projects 37
KVR rail infra projects 37
SUSHEE infra 40
essel infra 16, 21, 25, 27
essel infra +sun 3, 32, 41
i infra engineers india 35
AERATO infrablocks +triangl 19
VASHNI infraprojects 37, 42
j. KUMAR infraprojects 37
infrasoft craft 5.1 9
infrastructur 41
infrastructure & ports +shi 41
infrastructure independence 41, 42, 44
AEGIS infrastructure 19
AXIS infrastructure fund 36
DEN infrastructure india 37
infrastructure 37
ET infrastructure INDEX 16
G.B.G. infrastructure 36
ICS infrastructure +globe 35
IN PULSE infrastructure 9
INAAYA infrastructure +sun 36, 37
IRB infrastructure develope 37
JP infrastructure 37
JUMPP infrastructure demand 9, 16
KAJARIA infrastructure 36, 37
KBJ infrastructure 37
KUMAWAT infrastructure 37
LOGIX PARK infrastructure 16
MEGH DOOT infrastructure 37
MEP infrastructure +square 36
NITESH infrastructure 16, 19, 36
PALLADIUM infrastructure 36, 37
PINNACLE infrastructure 6
PVR infrastructure 37
REENA infrastructure 37
ROBO infrastructure 37
SNB infrastructure 37
TNS infrastructure logistic 37
TULSIYAAN infrastructure 36, 37, 42
V4 infrastructure 36, 37
indian infrastructure 35
m MARIEGOLD infrastructure 36
superb STAR infrastructure 36
RKS infrastructures 36
SIRIEN infrastructures 37
B balajee infratech 35, 36
CVK infratech +buildings 37
IB balajee infratech 37
RKS infratech 37
SHRI infratech +oval arrows 36
ANGEL infusion set 10
AS-FLO infusion set 10
JAWAS infusion set 10
MEDICA +fist & infusion set 10
OPPO infusion set 10
POPULAR infusion set 10
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